Monday, January 30, 2017


So this week was pretty great! The other day we woke up at 2 in the morning to go to Prague for training. It was a really long training this time because we had normal training from Pres and the Zone Leaders and also the worldwide training thing. So we slept over with some Elders in Prague. It was pretty fun.
At the beginning of the week we were out contacting and this lady saw us talking to people and they were all rejecting us so she comes up to us and says what do you want to ask me? So we talked to her for a while and set up a lesson. Today we had another lesson with her and she was way prepared. It was a great lesson. We also had another lesson with the Catholic Priest and today he took the Book of Mormon and said he would read it. We have been teaching this Czech mom and her little black kids. On Thursday we showed the resto film and the boys loved it. When Joseph sees God and Jesus, one of the boys was like "Who is that?" the brother says "thats God and Jesus Christ" then the other one was like "Wow that really is God!" It was way funny.
Thats pretty much it for this week. Have a great week!

Elder Paxton

Monday, January 23, 2017


Nothing too crazy happened this week. We had a pretty sick lesson with a Catholic Priest and he bought me hot chocolate so that was cool. We also had our sports night on Saturday and there were some guys doing some like freestyle stuff with a soccer ball so I talked to them for a while and now we are bros. haha I guess one thing kinda crazy happened this week, the other Elders had a lesson in the church building and the investigator brought his dog. Later that night we went into the chapel and all of the sudden we see a giant dog turd in the middle of the chapel! The worst part was that we were teaching English there and so all of the people were in the building so we had to distract them while we cleaned it up. Pretty good week!

Starsi Paxton

Monday, January 16, 2017


So this week we had transfers and I am with another Elder from California, Elder Trythall. He is way smart with the gospel stuff so I am learning a lot. Elder Cardon and I both stayed in our areas, we have been in the same district for the last 8 months so we will be together for at least 10 total at the end of this transfer. I guess you could say we are pretty good friends by now. It has been way freezing and we are outside all day but we set up with a couple of moms this week so it's been cool to see them progress. We have also been meeting with this older lady that didn't believe in God at all but we invited her to pray and now she said that she knows God exists and she is willing to work towards baptism. Its still pretty crazy for us cause we are always going back and forth between Ostrava and Frydek-Mistek to make our appointments but its been fun!:) Our new convert Filip is doing great. He gave the opening prayer in church yesterday and already gave a Book of Mormon to his grandma! Things are going great! God is in the work!


Starsi Paxton

Monday, January 9, 2017


This week was a pretty good week for us. We visited a castle last week in the mountains and that was way fun. We got to hike up the mountain to a giant tower. We also visited a less active that lived by the castle. Our investigator Filip got baptized on Saturday and it was so cool because when he got out of the water he said that he felt lighter and he knew that he didn't have to worry about his past anymore. On Sunday he got up and gave a good testimony about the Holy Ghost and all of the members were great to him. The crazy guy came to church again and I had to escort him out because he was creepin on the sisters again. Today is transfer day so I am now serving with Elder Trythall. The sisters got taken out of Ostrava for one transfer so now it is just the Elders in Ostrava and us in Frydek. It will be interesting here without the sisters. Other than that its just been super cold here so everything is freezing and it sucks! Its way fun though.

Today I was reading the Articles of Faith and it reminded me of how simple the gospel is but also how great of a blessing it is to have these principles and ordinances in our lives. As we live by these, we can see the blessing in our lives and we can see a change for the better.
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Have a great week!

Starsi Paxton

Monday, January 2, 2017


Happy New Years!! This week was great but I don't have a lot of time.
We met with our investigator that should be baptized this week and he told us he lost his phone. We said wow thats a bummer, but he was like yeah but at least I didn't lose my Book of Mormon. That would be way worse! haha He is a pretty cool kid. I also found out that the less active I was meeting with in Olomouc has gone to church every week and is getting ready to accept a calling so I am super excited about that!:) God is in the work!! Have a great week!

Starsi Paxton

ps this is where we stayed for our mission wide conference. It was pretty sick.