Another great week here in Olomouc. Not too much happened but one night was pretty crazy (at least for the life of a missionary) I was on a split with a different missionary in my district and we went back to the building to switch back companions but we end up waiting there until 9 and they still aren't there so we call them a few times and they won't answer so we keep waiting all of the sudden its 9:30 and still nothing. We keep calling and they won't answer so we finally call the zone leaders to see what to do and they told us to just go to my apartment and we can switch back in the morning and they will find out where the other missionaries are. On our way home the AP's call because I was suppose to go on an exchange with them and they heard all this traffic and where like where the heck are you? So I told them what was going on so then they started freaking out cause it was 10 and we were still outside and didn't know where our companions were! Finally at 10:15 my the other missionaries show up and we switched back. They were stuck at a less actives house but nothing bad happened so that was good.
On Wednesday we met with these two girls that were self referrals and are both hard core Catholics but we had a really good lesson and they read past 1 Nefi 11 by the next day.
Sunday a member asked if we would give this lady a blessing and it was really cool. We walked in and I honestly thought she was dead, she wasn't moving or anything. We gave her a blessing and she opened her eyes. Then we sang to her and she got a huge smile on her face and started talking a little bit. We ended with a prayer and she just kept saying "Amen" with a big smile on her face. It was an awesome experience!
Also one of the new YSA's is from Slovakia so she has been teaching me a little Slovak. Pretty fun.
God loves you all. Jesus is our savior.
I hope you have a great week!
Elder Paxton
This girl left on her mission this week.
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