Monday, October 24, 2016


Good week! We were still stuck in side for a lot of the week but by the end we were able to get back to normal missionary life and that was nice!
Saturday we went to a members house and she has been a member for 67 years and was even a member through communism and all the crazy wars so she tolds us all of the stories and I am just so grateful for the blessing of always having the gospel in my life. She got baptized and wasn't able to take the sacrament for the first time until 40 years later becuase of communism. Then we went tracting that night and there were two really sketchy guys so we werent sure if we should contact them but we decided we needed to but they had no interest. Later we were knocking on this door and a guy rides up on his bike and said hey these two guys back there told me that you tried to stop them and talk about God so I came to find you, I want to learn more. It was really cool cause we were prompted to talk to those two men and even though they didn't have interest, it led another guy to us. Also on Sunday we only had 9 members at church not including the missionaries. That's probably the least amount of people I have ever seen at church. Things are just so different here but I'm glad I get to see what it is like and what others go through because they know these things are true. In America we are so blessed to have churches and temples everywhere. This morning we went to an old Catholic church and tooks some pretty sweet pictures so that was a lot of fun!

We reach toward the unknown, but faith lights the way. If we will cultivate that faith, we shall never walk in darkness. Gordon B. Hinckley

Have a great week. sbohem
Elder Paxton

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